Monday 3 February 2014

Fitness || "summer body" prep inspired by Jennifer Selter

Now that January is over, the reality of the summer looming closer is officially insight (4 months and counting!!) and in girl calendar this means only one thing - summer body prep and mission bikini body is on our mind more than ever! Let's face it, we all want that envious super toned bikini body where we not only feel body confident and gorgeous but can flaunt it off in a stunning pretty pink princess bikini - but getting that dream body doesn't happen over night and like anything in life will only be possible with hard work, determination and persistence. Anything is achievable though and if you want it you can get it!

To help give you that boost and drive that you need, we have decided to give you some inspiration and all important motivation from fitness queen herself Jennifer Selter. Not only does she have the most incredible body ever, she also has some inspiring pictures, tips and mini work-outs to help you reach your body goal so make sure you check her out on facebook - Link , instagram - Link and twitter - Link ! Here are a few pictures and mini-work outs that are featured on her facebook to give you some motivation-

For a perky bum and amazingly toned legs try one of Jen's - Glute Workouts

 Warm Up
50 jumping jacks...
10 front kicks ( each leg)
15 hip bridges
30 second hamstring stretch hold each leg

workout ( repeat 3x) 
10 squats
10 plie squats
20 leg lifts on all fours (each leg)
10 lunges ( each side )
10 squats
20 leg lift pulses ( each leg )
15 donkey kicks ( each leg)

For dazzling abs try one of Jen's - Ab work-outs
 25 crunches
 25 bicycle crunches
 20 reverse crunches
 30 sec high knees
1 minute plank
 Rest at the end for 20-30 seconds then repeat 3-5x


Make sure you showcase your summer body in a dazzling and unique pretty pink princess bikini -

Pretty Penny Red | £40.00 | Link here! 

Pretty Pandora Black | £45.00 | Link here! 

Pretty Pandora Red | £45.00 | Link here!

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