Sunday 9 March 2014

The Oscars 2014

The Oscars has been the talk of the town in the world of celebrity this week, whether it be award winners and losers (poor Leo!), outstanding outfits or outrageous one's, to how many a-listers you can fit in a 'selfie' - we didn't miss a thing! - so just in-case you did, here is our round up of our best, worst and favourite moments from this year's Oscars.

Best dressed - Kate Hudson

Kate Hudson

Best dressed runner up -Lupita Nyong'o  

Worst Dressed - Liza Minnelli
                              Most Glamorous family - The Kardashians
 Kardashians-Elton-John-Oscar-Party-2014 (1)
Hottest couple - Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
The world's most famous 'selfie'
Most disappointing moment - Leo missing out on an oscar!
laurasignature (1)

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