Monday, 3 November 2014

Celeb make-up artist Olivia Naylor's top products to get the Kardashian contour and highlight

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If naturally sculpted razor-sharp cheekbones and a fresh glow isn't something that (like us) you are blessed with then do not worry as even the Kardashians are known to cheat their iconic contour and glow with the helping hand of their superbly talented make-up artists. So this week we thought we would speak to our very own Pretty Pink Princess make-up artist and artist to the celebs - Olivia Naylor to find out what must have products she recommends to transform our faces with this genius technique.

Olivia Naylor's top products to achieve the perfect Kardashian contour, highlight and glow.
  • Foundation || Face and body by MAC or  Luminous silk  by Giorgio Armani
  • Under eye highlighter || Light boost prep and prime highlight by MAC 
  • Cheek highlighter  || Cream colour base in shade pearl by MAC or Shimmering skin perfector in shade opal or moonstone by Becca cosmetics
  • Contour  || Anastasia Beverly hills contour kit by Anastasia Beverly Hills or Mineralize skin finish in medium tan or dark golden by MAC

To get a better idea of where to use these products here is a guide to help you:


Be sure to follow Olivia on instagram and twitter for the very latest on all things make-up!
Instagram - Olivianaylormua
Twitter - Olivianaylormua 

Here is a snippet of some of the amazing make-up looks Olivia has done : 
mich keegan 1
ppp mua 4
ppp mua 3
helen flanagan 1

Twitter - @PPink_princess
Instagram - "Prettypinkprincess_boutique"

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