Sunday, 25 January 2015

Getting your bikini body // Tips and Advice

fitness blogger
Now that we've successfully kitted you out in the gym wardrobe it's time to crank things up a notch. Yes we are talking about hardcore work-outs, eating clean and most importantly keeping focused and motivated with our fitness aims. Here's our top tips to bag that bikini body you've always dreamed off...

 Eat Clean  

It may sound simple and obvious but believe me it is where so many people go wrong. Eating clean is a massive part of getting that to-die-for body and unfortunately a diet fueled on junk food and takeouts really isn't going to help you reach that. What your putting into your body shows on the outside and so combining healthy eating with working out is the only way you are truly going to get those washboard abs and a perk booty. Remember - eating healthy is a lifestyle change not a diet, so instead of eating chips make sweet potato wedges in the oven. It's about swapping what we already eat for healthier alternatives. Eating clean doesn't have to be boring so for some fun and tasty healthy eating ideas follow #thebodycoach on instagram. 

Meal Prep

You know how it is, you've got work, not took any lunch with you so you just nip in the local supermarket and buy anything that takes your fancy. OR your super busy, haven't got time to make anything so you snack on crisps, chocolate etc. Not only does this end up being super expensive if you are buying food on the go all day everyday but it also makes it so easy to fall into the trap of eating junk because your in a supermarket full of endless choices that may tempt your cravings. To end this - meal prep. Take an hour out of your Sunday evening and cook your food for the week - this way there really isn't any excuses on what your eating! 

Take progress pictures

We all have those days/weeks where we get down and de-motivated. We're hitting the gym hard, eating healthy but still feeling like we are seeing little results. Remember a six pack doesn't appear over night and nor does success so keep your head high, remain positive and remember good things take time. Take a picture in your bikini at the beginning of each week, this way you can start to compare pictures and really start seeing the little changes happening. Eventually you will be able to look back at that week 1 picture and be really happy with how far you have come!

Drink plenty of water 

Snacking can be quite an issue for some people but how many of those occasions are you actually hungry? Confusing hunger with thirst is such a common mistake that so many of us make so it really is important to make sure your are drinking regularly. On average a female is suppose to drink eight 200ml glasses of water a day - this doesn't have to be just water but try not to drink fizzy or sugary drinks. 

Don't buy it, won't eat it. 

I'm a firm believer of the "if you haven't got it, you can't have it" motto and so if chocolate and a bag of crisps before bed is your weakness - don't buy it. It really is that simple. If you cupboards aren't stocked with it, the temptation of having it isn't there. Stock your cupboards up with healthier alternatives and an apple will soon be your new weakness!

Finally - don't make excuses.   

Oh so often I always here the old " I don't have time" but often it's just an excuse for "I can't be bothered" or "I am tired". I always say to people well what do you do after work that makes you so busy - and most often it's "make dinner, watch television and chill" - well if you can watch tele then you can go to the gym or workout at home. I know that there are genuinely people that are super busy all the time but training doesn't have to be hour sessions each time. Half an hour, even twenty minutes will be beneficial! So instead of finishing work and heading home for the sofa, take your gym kit with you and just get in the gym straight away - that way it's over and done with and sitting down after will feel so much more rewarding! 

Hope these little tips have gave you a bit of guidance in helping you reach your bikini body - always remember to take a treat day too! Our new active range is available now on - !


  1. I really feel like this was the right time to read this post. I have lost all motivation at the minute and really need to get back on track. So definitely time to get fit so when I go back to university in september Im happier about my weight. Thanks for the tips x
    han // em&han xo

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